This is our journey so far!! We have made it here, and were sitting all snug in our little trailer, although our journey here was not as we planned, we finally made it. So here it goes, from Toronto to San Francisco everything was great, and we made it there safe and sound, then our drive from San Francisco to Sacramento was very great with this cute elderly couple we met, and then our drive from Sacramento with a nice fella named Kyle was also very good... Waaaaiiitt, lets read that line again.... our DRIVE from San Francisco was very great... hmmmm something wrong there! This is where the story begins.
So we fly into San Francisco, and we flew into the International Terminal, and had no idea where we were suppose to be, because our boarding pass just said our gate was "pending", we search the entire terminal for an information desk, and there was no such luck. We ended up finding this lady who worked there asked her, she said we had to go to an entirely different terminal. She guided us through with words, and we felt lost. We found our way into another building, and found this lady at finally an information desk, and she was so helpful, she lead us to the air train, and we found our way finally to terminal 3, where we came across the screens that show the postings of when flights are departing, we look for Sacramento, and find that it is Cancelled we begin to pray like crazy, run through the terminal, find out we have to go through security again so we do that then we are in again, have no idea what to do, so we go to find an information desk again, so we do that, talk to this man at the desk, and he leads us to customer service, so we head our way to where he leads us, and waited in line for almost 2 hours.
We finally got to the front, talk to the lady who told us there were 3 more flights to Sacramento that day, and they were all booked up so she just sent us off to another customer service line where we waited for almost another 2 hours again so we could go and figure out ground travel to Sacramento, which was STUPID because none of us are 25, we can't rent a car, even if we were, we don't know that area, and it was just all together unreal. While waiting in line at this second customer service desk, Jessica said out loud was anybody else here trying to get to Sacramento, and this little old lady turned around and said she and her husband were (Judy & Jerry) , so we just struck up a conversation, seeing what they were going to do to get there and we asked if she was familiar with the area and she said yes, so we asked, could we just follow you along with whatever it is that you do, because were from Canada, we have somebody waiting for us in Sacramento, and we have no idea what to do, and she said yes.
So we get to the front of the line, they tell us again, there is no more room in any of the flights that day, and any flight tomorrow we would just be on standby, and not even for sure have a flight out tomorrow we could catch, the airline offered to put us up in a hotel for the night, but we chose against it. We followed Judy and Jerry along to where they were going and they chose to rent a car and drive to Sacramento, they took us in like their grandchildren and we went along with them. Yup thats right, hopped into a mini van with 2 complete strangers in San Francisco for a 4 hour drive to Sacramento. Before we got into the Van though, we had to go down and claim our baggage. . .
We go down to the baggage area, we spoke to this lady and she told us it would be a 30 minute wait that our baggage would be out on belt 4. We go and sat down on the floor, and waited, and waited, and waited. An hour passed, and nothing was coming out, other then the odd single baggage here and there. Jessica and Judy went and talked to the lady again 3 different times, and all she told us was the same thing over and over, and still nothing. Finally Jess and Judy found this other man working, he tracked our bags, and the whole time they were in Sacramento, they were put onto one of the booked up flights earlier that day. We left furious the 5 of us (Jessica, Me, Jericho, Jerry, and Judy) and got into our mini van and began our travels to Sacramento.
Us 3 would just look at each other in the van and just being to laugh because we were just like "Honestly, HONESTLY were in a mini van, in San Francisco with two complete strangers for a 4 hour drive to Sacramento." Judy and Jerry were two of the best tour guides, and we learned so much from them on our way to Sacramento. Everything, every valley, every hill, every tree they knew everything about them all, and told us everything, and it was just all together an amazing time with this amazing couple, we we honestly call them our angles, because they were just soooo amazing, and got us to where we needed to be. We stopped half way to Sacramento to eat some dinner, and it was just a fun time. We took our picture with them, and I'll email it later.
We FINALLY made it to Sacramento at around 9pm we went to drop off our rental car, and the price was $217 and Judy went on to tell this man taking the rental car back the experience we all just had, and mentioned we were from Canada, the man said he would try and bump the price down for us, he took our paper work, and came out about 5 minutes later, and knocked the price down to $91!!!!!!!! There was a man in San Francisco who said he had to pay $180, we were SO BLESSED!!!!!!
Our ride from Sacramento to Redding had been waiting 5 hours for us there, we got our baggage at around 9:30, and texted our ride that we were good to go to hop into yet another car with yet another stranger for a 3 hour drive to Redding, we got into the car laughed for a bit, told him our story, then fell asleep the rest of the way.
Woke up and noticed the car wasn't on the highway anymore, finally were were almost here at our trailer. Our ride turned down Smith Rd. and I hadn't been so happy in so long, to know we were pretty much there. We pull into the Farm, it as sketchy as ever, but perfectly fine haha, get our stuff out, got into our trailer and our landlord (Kristy) was waiting for us, came in showed us around, left, and we crashed on the bed, laughed, and began to type our versions of our stories to our friends and family, and this is mine, 100% a true story, and were here. . . amen!!!
I love you all, and will continue to keep you posted on how our trip goes about the rest of our time here, which is going to be AMAZING!!
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